About us

Our Mission

Empowering a sustainable future

Our mission is to empower a sustainable future by providing accurate and reliable weather data to our clients.

AdaptiveMeteo stands out for combining environmental observations with numerical models for weather forecasting (NWP) using innovative algorithms and software.

We also deeply care about the environment and have a strong ethical commitment to sustainability.

In addition to assimilating high-resolution satellite observations into our forecasting models, we invest in creating low-cost environmental monitoring sensors that can adapt to the needs of our clients, providing satellite data and forecasting models about climate changes and potential future scenarios with high accuracy and reliability.

Our Values

Great values and strong belief for a better place to live

The innovative aspect of the services offered by AdaptiveMeteo stands out for the new methodologies used to combine environmental observations with numerical models for weather forecasting (NWP).


We promote trust, integrity, and accountability, which are essential for building strong relationships and creating a sustainable future.


We prioritize sustainability in our operations and aim to empower a sustainable future through innovative algorithms and software that promote responsible environmental stewardship.


We provide comprehensive training programs designed to foster a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and sustainable innovation  for the meteorological industry.

Adaptive Meteo

Training, Motivation and Management

Our Strengths at AdaptiveMeteo is to be able to operate in such a challenging field of research and development with strong motivation and balanced management. 

Our team is well trained with over 20 years of experience, able to create  systems for analyzing satellite data in the meteorological field for monitoring extreme atmospheric events at the local level (floods, droughts, hailstorms, frosts, etc.), in light of ongoing climate change with strong ability to mantain control and respect for our planet.

Meet our Team

Paolo Antonelli
Chief Executive Officer
Paolo Scaccia
Alessandra V
Alessandra Valletti
Data Scientist

Discover our projects

Paolo Antonelli

Dr. Paolo Antonelli holds a PhD in Atmospheric Sciences and
of Oceans at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2001 under the guidance of
Prof. William L. Smith. His research has focused on infrared remote sensing
of the Earth in high spectral resolution and his thesis work was about the application
principal component analysis for data compression and inversion.

From the
2001 to 2017 Dr. Antonelli worked as a researcher at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, except from Sept. 2004 to
September 2005 when he worked as coordinator of remote sensing activities
at the Mediterranean Agency for remote sensing and environmental control (MARSec) a
Benevento Italy.

Dr. Antonelli was a member of the MTG-IRS advisory group
also been a consultant for EUMETSAT in the development of MTG-IRS, for lo
development of a high performance level 2 validation and demonstration prototype e
for the development of a level 2 hyperspectral data assimilation system. The activity of
training has played, in the past years, a leading role in the activities of Dr.
Antonelli through the teaching of Remote Sensing of Systems di
Observation at the University of Benevento, Italy, and participation in the institution
of the international training program of the Remote Sensing Workshop (RSS)
promoted by the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Meteorological Studies (CIMSS).

Antonelli, from 2018 to 2023 he worked as a consultant for the Ministry of Transition
Ecological, through SOGESID, dealing with Adaptation to Change
climatic conditions within Line 5 of the CReIAMO PA Project.

From 2017 to today, Dr. Antonelli is CEO and researcher for the company
AdaptiveMeteo S.r.l. which operates in the field of environmental monitoring (meteorology e
climatology) from satellite.

Paolo Scaccia

Paolo Scaccia earned the Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics from the Sapienza University of Rome in September 2020 with a thesis on a comparative analysis of two different Hopfield models (Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks).

During the years of academic formation he collaborated to different research activities on satellite meteorology: in 2011 he supported the development and maintenance of the software UWPHYSRET (University of Wisconsin PHYsical RETrieval);

from April 2014 to December 2015 he performed a Complexity Analysis for a prototype of a level 2 processor for MTG-IRS data (EUMETSAT);

in 2016 he applied a Scale Analysis to the WRF forecast before and after the assimilation of the Transformed Retrievals produced by EUMETSAT.

In July 2017 he co-founded with Dr. Antonelli Adaptive Meteo S.r.l. In the last two years he has been collaborating with the University of Hawaii in a study on the role of the Arctic Cyclogenesis in ice formation, and in the development of a Python based inversion package for hyperspectral infrared spaceborne data.

Alessandra Valletti

Alessandra Valletti graduated in “Scienze Statistiche e Decisionali” from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in May 2020. During her internship with Amigo Climate Srl, she wrote her master’s thesis on the performance study of the stochastic downscaling algorithm RainFARM on rainfall data.

Since August 2020, she has been working as a statistical researcher and data manager at the Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, where she is involved in the European project RECAP Preterm.

In June 2022, she joined Bitmet Srl as a Data Scientist, and as of January 2023, she has held the same position at Bitmet’s parent company, AdaptiveMeteo SRL.